Parents Corner
Family involvement, family satisfaction, and shared decision making about your child’s experience are essential to the Galaxy Kids Academy program. We believe the center forms a caring and learning community in which families, staff, and children can interact and grow. We actively work to support family life and create ways to involve families in our program. Family involvement is an all-purpose term that encompasses family partnership groups and committees, volunteering, family education, and special events. We believe the key to family involvement is giving families a variety of ways to be involved, if they are able, in the life of the center.
Family-Teacher Partnerships
The family-teacher partnership at Galaxy Kids Academy helps children build a positive attitude toward themselves, toward language, literacy, and all other areas of the curriculum. Together, we can provide a stronger program for your child to foster a lifelong love of learning. The best teacher and family partnerships are based on frequent opportunities to share information. You can strengthen your family’s role as your child’s first and most important teacher and share in learning by participating in activities at home as well as at the center.
Family Communication
We are committed to creating a strong home and center connection by developing a process of open, honest communication with you regarding your child’s development and experience at the center. This includes a continual exchange of information between you and the center staff and management.
Electronic Communication
It is important that everyone who cares for your child has a sense of his or her daily experience, both at home and in the center. Staggered scheduling of staff makes the Electronic Communication System a critical communication link. The emails will give you a sense of your child’s day and keep you informed about his or her experiences and may also include a picture of your child in action. Parents may also send messages to your child’s teacher before arriving at the center to share information about your child’s morning to help with drop off time, making it easier for you to head off to work.
Bulletin boards are located throughout the center (in the foyer, hallways, and classroom entrances) to communicate news, daily events, staff notes, holiday closing dates, center visitors, etc.
When center management or teachers have information to share with all families, this information could be left in your child’s locker for you, e-mailed to you via the center or classroom distribution list, or left on the check-in/out station screen. Check with your center to find out where your mailbox is and please make sure to check it daily.
Partnership Groups
Family Partnership Groups provide an opportunity for you to be part of a forum in your center to discuss center-wide activities, family education, center updates, and much more. Ask center management for more information about the Family Partnership Group and other ways you can become involved.